1,892 research outputs found

    Impact of surgical face masks on exercise performance : effects of wearing surgical face masks on cardiorespiratory performance at intensities below and above the ventilatory threshold

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    Wearing facial masks has become part of our daily routine due to the recommendation of its use to prevent the spread the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Despite its use by healthy individuals does not affect performance in response to most daily tasks, this may not be the case during intense physical exercise. For this reason, we sought to examine the impact of wearing surgical face masks on performance during cycle-ergometry performed at intensity below and above the ventilatory threshold (VT). Sixteen men and sixteen women (ages: 24 ± 3.3 years) completed a maximal graded exercise test on a cycle ergometer to determine peak oxygen uptake and VT. Subsequently, on different days, all participants performed standardized protocols on a cycle ergometer (moderate intensity: 25% below VT; severe intensity: 25% above VT) in two different conditions (with and without a surgical face mask). Mask usage reduced oxygen uptake and minute ventilation in response to moderate and severe exercise (p < 0.0001), having a greater influence on the severe intensity. Time to exhaustion was also reduced by ~10% during severe exercise performed with a surgical face mask (p = 0.014). In contrast, heart rate and the respiratory exchange ratio remained unaffected by the mask condition. Finally, when comparing mean oxygen uptake obtained from 3 to 6 min vs. 7 to 10 min of moderate exercise, we found that wearing a surgical face mask did not affect the achievement of steady-state. Thus, taken together, we conclude that masking interferes with motor performance, reducing oxygen uptake during moderate and severe exercise. In addition, our data also indicate that the magnitude of interference is greater at higher exercise intensity. Ultimately, this may implicate a considerable impairment of structured or even unstructured strenuous physical activity.O uso de máscara facial tornou-se parte do nosso dia a dia após a sua recomendação como forma de prevenir a propagação de uma nova síndrome respiratória severa (SARS-CoV-2). Apesar do seu uso em indivíduos saudáveis não limitar as tarefas do quotidiano, o mesmo pode não ser dito no exercício físico, Desta forma, pretendeu-se examinar o impacto que o uso de máscara tem no desempenho em trabalho constante em ciclo ergómetro abaixo e acima do limiar ventilatório (VT). Dezasseis homens e dezasseis mulheres (idades: 24 ± 3.3), completou uma prova máxima de esforço em ciclo ergómetro para medir o consumo pico de oxigénio e o VT. Após isso, em dias diferentes os participantes realizaram protocolos estandardizados em ciclo ergómetro (regime moderado 25% abaixo, regime severo 25% acima do VT) em duas condições diferentes (com e sem máscara). O uso de máscara reduziu consumo de oxigénio e ventilação minuto durante o regime moderado e severo (p<0.0001, tendo uma influência maior no regime severo. Tempo até à exaustão foi também reduzido ~10% durante o uso de máscara em regime severo (p=0.014). Em contraste, nem a frequência cardíaca nem o quociente respiratório foi afetado pelo uso de máscara. A máscara não afetou a obtenção de steady-state em regime moderado ao se comparar 3-6min vs 7-10min..Com isto, concluímos que o uso de máscara interfere com tarefas motoras, reduzindo consumo de oxigénio durante regime moderado e severo, no entanto a magnitude de interferência é maior consoante a intensidade de trabalho. Por fim, pode implicar uma diminuição significativa no desempenho de atividades físicas vigorosas

    Effects of Ocean Acidification on the Ballast of Surface Aggregates Sinking through the Twilight Zone

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    The dissolution of CaCO3 is one of the ways ocean acidification can, potentially, greatly affect the ballast of aggregates. A diminution of the ballast could reduce the settling speed of aggregates, resulting in a change in the carbon flux to the deep sea. This would mean lower amounts of more refractory organic matter reaching the ocean floor. This work aimed to determine the effect of ocean acidification on the ballast of sinking surface aggregates. Our hypothesis was that the decrease of pH will increase the dissolution of particulate inorganic carbon ballasting the aggregates, consequently reducing their settling velocity and increasing their residence time in the upper twilight zone. Using a new methodology for simulation of aggregate settling, our results suggest that future pCO2 conditions can significantly change the ballast composition of sinking aggregates. The change in aggregate composition had an effect on the size distribution of the aggregates, with a shift to smaller aggregates. A change also occurred in the settling velocity of the particles, which would lead to a higher residence time in the water column, where they could be continuously degraded. In the environment, such an effect would result in a reduction of the carbon flux to the deep-sea. This reduction would impact those benthic communities, which rely on the vertical flow of carbon as primary source of energy

    Contributos da prática de ensino supervisionada na formação inicial de professores do 1.º ciclo : concepções de professores supervisores e professores cooperantes

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Professores), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011O presente estudo teve como propósito central conhecer as conceções de professores formadores, que intervêm na componente de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, relativamente aos contributos da mesma, na Formação Inicial de professores do 1.º Ciclo. A presente dissertação encontra-se estruturada em duas partes, sendo que a primeira comporta o enquadramento teórico, no qual são abordadas temáticas relativas à Formação Inicial de Professores, à profissão docente e competências que lhe são inerentes. Por sua vez, a segunda parte é constituída pelo estudo empírico no qual interpretámos as representações, dos já referidos sujeitos, acerca das finalidades e indicadores da qualidade da unidade curricular de Prática Supervisionada em 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Analogamente, neste estudo, são dadas a conhecer as conceções destes formadores acerca dos contributos desta disciplina na aquisição/desenvolvimento de saberes e competências profissionais na Formação Inicial de professores do 1.º Ciclo. Neste sentido, desenvolvemos uma investigação de carácter qualitativo, na qual recorremos à técnica da entrevista semi-diretiva para obtermos dados pertinentes que nos possibilitassem corresponder aos objetivos propostos. Da análise dos dados obtidos, muito sucintamente, foi-nos possível depreender que estes indivíduos consideram que esta disciplina possibilita experienciar a prática de forma contextualizada sendo, a mesma, suportada por referenciais metodológicos, práticos e reflexivos que propiciam a construção da articulação teoria-prática, no processo de Formação Inicial, possibilitando o desenvolvimento da profissionalidade do docente, nas várias dimensões que a profissão comporta.The present study it had as central intention to know the conceptions of teacher trainers, that interview in the Practical component of Supervised Education, relatively to the contributes of the same one, in the Initial Formation of elementary teachers. The present dissertation meets structuralized in two parts, being that the first one holds the theoretical framing, in which is boarded thematic relative to the Initial Formation of teachers, the teaching profession and skills that it are inherent. In turn, the second part is constituted by the empirical study in which we interpreted the representations, of already related subjects, about the purposes and pointers of the quality of the curricular unit of Practical Supervised. Similarly, in the empirical study, we aimed to know the perspective of teacher trainers about the acquire skills as well as the implications of this initial acquisition practice in elementary basic education. In this sense, we developed a research of a qualitative nature, in which recourse to the technique of semi-directive interview to obtain relevant data allowing us to meet the proposed objectives. The analysis of data, very briefly, we were able to conclude that these individuals feel that this course provides the practical experience in context is the same, supported by the methodological framework, which provide practical and reflective construction of the joint theory-practice in the process of training, enabling the development of professionalism of teachers in the various dimensions that the profession entails

    APSYS : desenvolvimento de jogo tático de tabuleiro com realidade aumentada

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Desenho Industrial, 2013.O seguinte projeto de diplomação aborda a proposta da criação de um jogo de tabuleiro de gênero tático, com contexto de ficção especulativa futurista e foco na interação entre interface física e virtual por meio de Realidade Aumentada. Utilizando como linha-base de pesquisa a aplicação dos estudos de Jesse Schell, o método utilizado para concepção e desenvolvimento do projeto utilizou as quatro abordagens definidas em sua obra The Art of Game Design (1998); mecânica, estética, tecnologia e narrativa. Pela mecânica foram propostas as regras de funcionamento e balanceamento do jogo. A estética realizou-se pela construção do estilo e sua representação pelos elementos do jogo. Quanto à história, foram definidos o enredo e a narrativa de interação. E na frente de Tecnologia foram pensados e construídos os elementos do jogo condizentes às duas interfaces, física e virtual, por meio de suas peças, suportes, tabuleiro e marcadores. Com essa tétrade, foi construído um sistema que visa prover uma experiência de ação e estratégia em tempo real com dois a quatro jogadores, imersos em uma narrativa futurista humanizada, contendo elementos do gênero de ficção especulativa, dentre os quais, cyberpunk e distopia

    Sinking of Gelatinous Zooplankton Biomass Increases Deep Carbon Transfer Efficiency Globally

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    Gelatinous zooplankton (Cnidaria, Ctenophora, and Urochordata, namely, Thaliacea) are ubiquitous members of plankton communities linking primary production to higher trophic levels and the deep ocean by serving as food and transferring “jelly‐carbon” (jelly‐C) upon bloom collapse. Global biomass within the upper 200 m reaches 0.038 Pg C, which, with a 2–12 months life span, serves as the lower limit for annual jelly‐C production. Using over 90,000 data points from 1934 to 2011 from the Jellyfish Database Initiative as an indication of global biomass (JeDI: http://jedi.nceas.ucsb.edu, http://www.bco‐dmo.org/dataset/526852), upper ocean jelly‐C biomass and production estimates, organism vertical migration, jelly‐C sinking rates, and water column temperature profiles from GLODAPv2, we quantitatively estimate jelly‐C transfer efficiency based on Longhurst Provinces. From the upper 200 m production estimate of 0.038 Pg C year−1, 59–72% reaches 500 m, 46–54% reaches 1,000 m, 43–48% reaches 2,000 m, 32–40% reaches 3,000 m, and 25–33% reaches 4,500 m. This translates into ~0.03, 0.02, 0.01, and 0.01 Pg C year−1, transferred down to 500, 1,000, 2,000, and 4,500 m, respectively. Jelly‐C fluxes and transfer efficiencies can occasionally exceed phytodetrital‐based sediment trap estimates in localized open ocean and continental shelves areas under large gelatinous blooms or jelly‐C mass deposition events, but this remains ephemeral and transient in nature. This transfer of fast and permanently exported carbon reaching the ocean interior via jelly‐C constitutes an important component of the global biological soft‐tissue pump, and should be addressed in ocean biogeochemical models, in particular, at the local and regional scale


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    Objetivo: conhecer os aspectos que influenciam na tomada de decisão sobre o tipo de parto, por gestantes no terceiro trimestre de gestação. Método: estudo descritivo, qualitativo, realizado em 2015, com 15 grávidas. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas e os dados foram posteriormente submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Resultados: o parto vaginal foi apontado como a via de preferência entre as gestantes. As experiências vivenciadas por familiares, por pessoas próximas e pela própria gestante, bem como sentimentos e sensações experimentadas, e a assistência pré-natal recebida foram os aspectos influenciadores na decisão da mulher. Conclusão: compreendeu-se que a escolha do tipo de parto não foi influenciada por um aspecto apenas, mas por uma série de fatores indissociáveis que, quando analisados separadamente, talvez não fossem capazes de influenciar a decisão.Descritores: Gestantes. Parto. Tomada de decisã

    Jelly biomass sinking speed reveals a fast carbon export mechanism

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    Sinking of gelatinous zooplankton biomass is an important component of the biological pump removing carbon from the upper ocean. The export efficiency, e.g., how much biomass reaches the ocean interior sequestering carbon, is poorly known because of the absence of reliable sinking speed data. We measured sinking rates of gelatinous particulate organic matter (jelly-POM) from different species of scyphozoans, ctenophores, thaliaceans, and pteropods, both in the field and in the laboratory in vertical columns filled with seawater using high-quality video. Using these data, we determined taxon-specific jelly-POM export efficiencies using equations that integrate biomass decay rate, seawater temperature, and sinking speed. Two depth scenarios in several environments were considered, with jelly-POM sinking from 200 and 600 m in temperate, tropical, and polar regions. Jelly-POM sank on average between 850 and 1500 m d−1 (salps: 800–1200 m d−1; ctenophores: 1200–1500 m d−1; scyphozoans: 1000–1100 m d−1; pyrosomes: 1300 m d−1). High latitudes represent a fast-sinking and low-remineralization corridor, regardless of species. In tropical and temperate regions, significant decomposition takes place above 1500 m unless jelly-POM sinks below the permanent thermocline. Sinking jelly-POM sequesters carbon to the deep ocean faster than anticipated, and should be incorporated into biogeochemical and modeling studies to provide more realistic quantification of export via the biological carbon pump worldwide

    Escala de Determinantes da Evasão no Ensino a Distância (EDED): Proposição e Validação.

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    There is a trend for e-learning courses. However, with this trend, there are also high evasion indices in those courses, which is a challenge for institutions’ managing and efficiency. Therefore, it is of high importance to understand why students evade from e-learning courses. Taking this into account, this study had the objective of propose and validate the Determinants of E-learning Evasion Scale (DEES). We assessed 520 students that have evaded from undergraduate and graduate e-learning courses from the Federal University of Santa Maria. We assessed the dimensionality of the scale using confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. The original version of the DEES scale comprised 52 items. In addition, item quality was analyzed using a multidimensional item response theory model. The models indicated, in general, good items in the DEES scale. Results suggests that the DEES is mainly composed by two dimensions, one relating to support to learning, and the other to personal conditions during study. The first dimension comprised items that highlight the support of the presential teacher in face of the student’s ideas, the feedback and guidance provided by the online teacher, and the perceived knowledge of the online teacher about the course content. In the second dimension, the most important items comprised the time available for studying, the number of work-related commitments/tasks, and the changes in the work routine during the e-course. Keywords: Evasion. E-learning. Scale. Psychometric assessment.Os cursos na modalidade de educação à distância têm crescido de forma acelerada no Brasil. Entretanto, os elevados índices de evasão são um desafio à gestão e à eficiência das instituições. Seguindo esta discussão, este trabalho propõe a Escala de Determinantes da Evasão no Ensino a Distância (EDED) a partir da avaliação de modelos de análise fatorial confirmatória e exploratória. A qualidade dos itens foi analisada a partir de modelos multidimensionais de teoria de resposta ao item e, no geral, se mostraram satisfatórios. Os resultados demonstraram que o ajuste do modelo indicou uma estrutura de duas dimensões à EDED; sendo a primeira relacionada ao suporte à aprendizagem e a segunda com as condições pessoais. A EDED pode ser utilizada tanto à avaliação dos fatores que levaram um indivíduo a evadir quanto à avaliação das fragilidades dos cursos oferecidos. Palavras-chave: Evasão. Ensino a distância. Escala. Avaliação psicométrica

    Deep learning-based detection of anthropometric landmarks in 3D infants head models

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    Deformational plagiocephaly (DP) is a cranial deformity characterized by an asymmetrical distortion of an infant's skull. The diagnosis and evaluation of DP are performed using cranial asymmetry indexes obtained from cranial measurements, which can be estimated using anthropometric landmarks of the infant's head. However, manual labeling of these landmarks is a time-consuming and tedious task, being also prone to observer variability. In this paper, a novel framework to automatically detect anthropometric landmarks of 3D infant's head models is described. The proposed method is divided into two stages: (i) unfolding of the 3D head model surface; and (ii) landmarks' detection through a deep learning strategy. In the first stage, an unfolding strategy is used to transform the 3D mesh of the head model to a flattened 2D version of it. From the flattened mesh, three 2D informational maps are generated using specific head characteristics. In the second stage, a deep learning strategy is used to detect the anthropometric landmarks in a 3-channel image constructed using the combination of informational maps. The proposed framework was validated in fifteen 3D synthetic models of infant's head, being achieved, in average for all landmarks, a mean distance error of 3.5 mm between the automatic detection and a manually constructed ground-truth. Moreover, the estimated cranial measurements were comparable to the ones obtained manually, without statistically significant differences between them for most of the indexes. The obtained results demonstrated the good performance of the proposed method, showing the potential of this framework in clinical practice.The present submission corresponds to original research work of the authors and has never been submitted elsewhere. Moreover, this work was funded by the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-024300, supported by Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Norte2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Moreover, this work has been also supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019. Furthermore, the authors acknowledge FCT, Portugal, and the European Social Found, European Union, for funding support through the "Programa Operacional Capital Humano" (POCH) in the scope of the PhD grants SFRH/BD/136670/2018 (Helena R. Torres), SFRH/BD/136721/2018 (Bruno Oliveira), and SFRH/BD/131545/2017 (Fernando Veloso)

    Optimizing strategies to identify high risk of developing type 2 diabetes

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    Introduction: The success of diabetes prevention based on early treatment depends on high-quality screening. This study compared the diagnostic properties of currently recommended screening strategies against alternative score-based rules to identify those at high risk of developing diabetes. Methods: The study used data from ELSA-Brasil, a contemporary cohort followed up for a mean (standard deviation) of 7.4 (0.54) years, to develop risk functions with logistic regression to predict incident diabetes based on socioeconomic, lifestyle, clinical, and laboratory variables. We compared the predictive capacity of these functions against traditional pre-diabetes cutoffs of fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 2-h plasma glucose (2hPG), and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) alone or combined with recommended screening questionnaires. Results: Presenting FPG > 100 mg/dl predicted 76.6% of future cases of diabetes in the cohort at the cost of labeling 40.6% of the sample as high risk. If FPG testing was performed only in those with a positive American Diabetes Association (ADA) questionnaire, labeling was reduced to 12.2%, but only 33% of future cases were identified. Scores using continuously expressed clinical and laboratory variables produced a better balance between detecting more cases and labeling fewer false positives. They consistently outperformed strategies based on categorical cutoffs. For example, a score composed of both clinical and laboratory data, calibrated to detect a risk of future diabetes ≥20%, predicted 54% of future diabetes cases, labeled only 15.3% as high risk, and, compared to the FPG ≥ 100 mg/dl strategy, nearly doubled the probability of future diabetes among screen positives. Discussion: Currently recommended screening strategies are inferior to alternatives based on continuous clinical and laboratory variables